
Minutes From Our Meetings

WVCCU Executive Committee Meeting minutes

Friday, February 23, 2018 12:00pm – 2:30pm


Attendance:  Jane Haddox, Jeanette Barker, Jennifer Spangler, Tina Watts, Sharlet Jarvis


Items discussed:


  • Jane will send letter to Todd, the letter will include guidance from Health Dept., NAEYC, ECERS, and Dept. of Education, asking for guidance from Licensing. Concerns were brought up from recent licensing visits about 1) children self-serving milk, 2) reporting “serious” injury or accidents, an example was an ear infection draining. 3) nap time ratio
  • The group discussed needing an expert to help with code / law when dealing with things like Licensing, or Dept. of Education.  We don’t always know what the law is and may need a professional to help guide us on certain topics.
  • The Former Leadership Institute will be the Early Childhood Leadership Conference. It will tentatively be held May 22-25, 2018.  It was decided that in an effort to attract more people the Conference will be held in town close to the Charleston Mall.  Jeanette will get prices on The Marriott, and Embassy Suites.  The rough draft of sessions for the Conference was handed out and changes made for time reasons.  There will be lunch speakers.  The Conference will be Tuesday through Friday.  The Conference will be promoted at Celebrating Connections.  A booth has already been reserved for WVCCU, and there will be a prize drawing of some kind for people that pay their Membership dues for WVCCU at the conference.  We would like to come up with more ideas to attract more members of WVCCU.
  • Celebrating Connections –Jane will make the display for the booth.  Jane will contact others via e-mail to work at the booth during Celebrating Connections.  A person needs to be there, due to signing up for the prize, and paying membership dues.  Jeanette will check into a debit/credit card payment system, that attaches to your phone.  Tentatively the next WVCCU meeting will be held after Celebrating Connections, on Thursday, April 12, 2018, at 5:30pm.  Jennifer will call Allison to ensure there are no other receptions taking place on the same evening.  Jennifer will also contact Olive Garden to host the meeting there.
  • Went over budget.  Current balance as of February 2, 2018 is $5,738.17
  • Russell Vance is redoing the WVCCU website.  This is the same person as last year.  He has waived his fee for website care, due to no care being done to this point.  The total cost for this year will be the same as last year, which is $600.00.  He sent a list of questions, that were passed out concerning what we wanted to see on the website.  Suggestions that were made; condense the home page, make more user friendly with tabs to click on different informational links.  1) 2018 Early Childhood Leadership Conference, 2) Current meeting minutes, 3) How to join 4) Current Events, 5) Upcoming Events.  Update current officers.  Jane will work with Russell Vance to update website.

Dedicated To Improving The Quality Of Child Care In West Virginia